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Time over for me!

Posted on 2005/09/02 12:11

Awwww... i went to the airport yesterday to get my sister and her bf, today they're in town and tomorrow we're leaving for southern Ireland... So no more time programming for me! Duh.

My game, "Space Parcels", is still pretty crude (see screenshots below) but it can be worth a try... If I can figure out a way to upload it here without getting the "over quota" message (any maximal size to the uploads?).

Title screen. In-game screen.
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Comment by Richard Jones on 2005-09-02 12:19

There is a 10MB limit on each folder. There's no individual file upload size limit, except that the file must fit in the folder.

If anyone needs more quota, they just have to ask me.

Comment by Richard Jones on 2005-09-02 12:21

ps. looks cool :)